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The Great Menopause Myth: The Truth on Mastering Midlife Hormonal Mayhem, Beating Uncomfortable Symptoms, and Aging to Thrive

The Great Menopause Myth: The Truth on Mastering Midlife Hormonal Mayhem, Beating Uncomfortable Symptoms, and Aging to Thrive

  • Author: Johnson, Kristin
  • ISBN: 9780760388266
  • Availability:
$NZ 49.99 Ex Tax: $NZ 49.99
Backed by the latest research, The Great Menopause Myth offers a new, holistic approach to staying healthy and happy through menopause. As a woman, menopause and perimenopause is a time when your health shifts dramatically. Hot flashes, disruptions in sleep, along with declines in mood, cognition, weight management, bone density, and heart health can have a significant impact on your well-being and quality of life. More than simply an end to your reproductive capacity, it is a time when your health can spin out of control due to hormonal shifts that impact everything from immunity to risk for chronic health conditions. Up until recently, the messaging around these unwelcome midlife changes has been that they are an inevitable part of aging and that, if you can just white-knuckle the discomfort, it will eventually pass. For decades, conventional wisdom-and medical practice-have told women to simply endure the constellation of symptoms, from hot flashes and sleeplessness to loss of muscle mass, depression, painful sex, joint pain, and incontinence. Or a traditional MD might reluctantly recommend a one-size-fits-all HRT prescription. However, new research and clinical practice is showing that that approach is wrong and sets you up to age quicker, sicker, and with a lower quality of life. The findings reveal that menopause is not just about the uterus and ovaries-it affects the whole body from brain to bones. The Great Menopause Myth fills in the missing picture for women and gives comprehensive information on: Hormone replacement therapy (HRT) Heath Risks After Menopause Metabolic health Gut function Nutrition Movement Sleep quality Stress management Centered on your overall health and happiness, The Great Menopause Myth offers a welcome new narrative on menopause.

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