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Breaking the Boss Bias: How to get more women into leadership

Breaking the Boss Bias: How to get more women into leadership

  • Author: Fox, Catherine
  • ISBN: 9781742238197
  • Availability:
$NZ 39.99 Ex Tax: $NZ 39.99
Despite the surge of women into education, jobs and sitting in Federal parliament, why are men still overwhelmingly running the show? Fewer women are running governments, the small proportion who make it as CEO has barely budged, and the major culprit is right under our noses. Entrenched gender bias about who should be the boss means leadership is mainly seen as a masculine endeavour. And no matter how well qualified and experienced, women continue to be underestimated and face an obstacle course of sexism to get to the decision-making table. In Breaking the Boss Bias, Catherine Fox sounds the alarm. She argues that toxic sexism woven through processes, beliefs, management, education and leadership norms is keeping privileged men in power, making decisions for us all. It's time for a new way to lead and to unlock the talent being wasted from boss bias.

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